2022/23 Mental Health Workforce
The NHSEI Operational Planning process for 2022/23 will include a separate ICS/STP led system level Mental Health workforce plan covering 1st April 2021-31st March 2023 by quarter.
The Mental Health workforce plan will be carried out separately through the HEE e-collections portal. Submissions will only be required from Mental Health Trusts and ICSs/STPs.
Mental Health Trusts will be required to provide a provider-level submission: ICSs will be responsible for the overall system workforce plan and the system-level submission, which will capture mental health workforce for non-mental health NHS trusts, primary care and non-NHS organisations. Please note that mental health providers are required to complete both the SDCS collection and the HEE e-collection template.
ICSs/STPs will lead this Mental Health workforce planning process and agree a workforce plan at system level, to include workforce in i) Mental Health Trusts ii) Non-Mental Health Trusts i.e. Community, Ambulance, Acute iii)Primary Care and iv) non-NHS organisations.
The Mental Health workforce plan for 2022/23 will enable ICSs/STPs to understand supply and demand across defined service pathways and staff professions, track investment on workforce and broaden understanding at system level including partnership working across care settings. ICS/STP level plans once completed and aggregated, will provide a national overview of the workforce position in Mental Health and allow identification of risks, mitigation strategies and levers to support delivery of the Mental Health workforce growth required for 2022/23, as laid out in the?Mental Health Implementation Plan?(MHIP) and?Mental Health LTP analytical tool.
For further information regarding the collection please review the guidance documentation:
- Mental Health Workforce Collection User Guidance
- NHS England » 2022/23 priorities and operational planning guidance: Implementation guidance
The following guidance documents can be found on the NHS Planning FutureNHS Collaboration Platform:
- Mental Health LTP analytical tool
- Operational Planning 2020/21 Detailed Submission guidance and Technical Definitions document can be found at: NHS Planning FutureNHS Collaboration Platform > Library and resources > 2022/23 Supporting Guidance
In order to access the material on the NHS Planning FutureNHS Collaboration Platform, please ensure you request to ‘join’ the associated workspace.
Technical Support
For support to access the HEE e-collection portal, to amend user details, to set up additional users or any other technical enquiries please contact DataService@hee.nhs.uk
All other Mental Health Workforce enquiries
For all general queries relating to the health workforce planning collection, including queries about definitions, guidance and content, please contact: England.nhs-planning@nhs.net